Michael Croft
Michael Croft | Painting | Into the Blue Again | Artist

Into the Blue Again | Oil Painting | Michael Croft | Artist


Oil on canvas

240 x 137cm

A painting inspired by the lyrics of the Talking Heads song "Once in a Lifetime"...how did I get here?

You know, when you're driving alone on a long ride on the motorway/freeway/Autobahn and autopilot has taken over, you start to think of what is the meaning of this? ....and you know deep, deep...DEEEEP down it is all meaningless...gods, culture and society are fiction, your identity is a fiction, an artifiicial construct, a kind of biological software installed on a random monkey brain designed to interpret quantum energy states into what you think is reality, essentially to make you survive and reproduce. The rest is distraction. Fuck the DNA molecule, I'm gonna stop and get me a Krispey Kreme....


...and Eraserhead

In Heaven
Everything is fine

In Heaven
Everything is fine

In Heaven
Everything is fine
You got your good things
And I got mine

In Heaven
Everything is fine

In Heaven
Everything is fine

In Heaven
Everything is fine
You got your good things
And you got mine

In Heaven
Everything is fine

Peter Ivers 1976

Michael Croft
Michael Croft | Into the blue again | Painting | Artist
Michael Croft
Michael Croft | Into the blue again | Location Sketch | Painting | Artist
Michael Croft